I directed a series of animated shorts for Duolingo incorporating cultural and language lessons into playful exchanges with their host of characters.
Director / Editor / Composite - Devin Clark
Animators - Demi Bozas, Mimi Chiu, Jared Deal, Christian Dobbins, Irving Georege, K.K. Glore, Jeongki Kim, Alex Krokus, Eliot Lockwood, Julisse Tinoco, Keith Stack, Ashley Stephens, Chadwick Whitehead
Prod Co - Augenblick Studios
Animators - Demi Bozas, Mimi Chiu, Jared Deal, Christian Dobbins, Irving Georege, K.K. Glore, Jeongki Kim, Alex Krokus, Eliot Lockwood, Julisse Tinoco, Keith Stack, Ashley Stephens, Chadwick Whitehead
Prod Co - Augenblick Studios